Education Loans

Pursuing a dream is everyone’s goal, but at times because of financial constrain one cant. No need to worry anymore about the financial part, My Eduquer is now here to help make the process of bank loans easy and hassle-free. Chase your dreams now with My Eduquer.


How can My Eduquer help you with student loans?
  • Give you the best bank with the most affordable interest rates and repayment methods.​
  • Assist you throughout the procedure​
  • Accessible support
  • Approaching colleges and other institutions to complete the proper paperwork
  • Tracking progress
  • Assistance with Bank Scholarships
Interest Rates
You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for an education loan for yourself or your child. For students wanting to pursue higher education in India, Eduquer offers Education Loans at low interest rates. You can get a loan of up to Rs. 75 lakhs through My Eduquer Education Loan, which also offers quick payments and simple repayment options for efficient loan servicing. Eduquer will help you get loans from your desired banks at the lowest rates offered by them.
For Student and Scholar Loan Schemes, the EMI repayment period begins 12 months after the course is completed or 6 months after securing employment, whichever comes first. The students get upto a period of 15 years to repay the loan.

Students seeking to study in India can apply for education loans through My Eduquer. You can obtain loans with attractive interest rates and a number of perks. Know the requirements for receiving an education loan before applying for a student loan.

  • Indian citizenship​
  • Obtained at least 50% of the maximum score in the 12th and graduation exams
  • Who have been admitted to career-oriented programmes at the graduate or postgraduate level.
  • After completing the 12th grade or under-graduation, secured admission in India through an entrance exam or merit-based selection process.
  • Proof of regular family income is mandatory for all applicants.
  • The eligibility for education loans shall be determined in accordance with the selected bank’s policy in effect at the time of loan application and payment
  • KYC documents
  • Bank Statement / Pass Book of last 6 months
  • Letter from Parent/Guardian (optional)
  • Copy of admission letter of the Institute along with fees schedule
  • Mark sheets / passing certificates of 10th grade, 12th grade, Degree courses
  • Register​
  • Fill in the details
  • Check your application status after 24 hours
  • Selected Candidates will receive a detailed mail stating how to avail the desired scholarship